Rewire your brain for wellness and weight loss with Newire.


With Newire, you will rewire your brain, tongue and stomach. Newire's daily program and neuroplasticity exercises will guide your journey towards weight loss, health, and longevity. We use mindset, habit formation, environmental changes and neuroplasticity to rewire your brain to make a lifestyle change, overcoming the unconscious urges to eat which are continuously triggered in today’s modern food environment with addictive foods available anytime and everywhere.

After your rewiring with Newire, you will have a new relationship with willpower. The world’s approach to willpower is backward, and that’s why “diet and exercise” programs usually fail in the long run. Newire takes a different approach, flipping willpower on its head. You see, everyone focuses on giving you the “power” to overcome your “will”. They have it backward. Trying to get more power to overcome your cravings is a fool’s errand in today’s modern food environment where delicious, cheap, addictive foods are in view every minute of the day. It is more than our highly evolved primate brains were designed to be able to handle, attempting to overpower our evolutionary will to eat as much as possible, as often as possible and as fast as possible. Just not possible.

So instead, we flip this around and focus on the will, so you don't need the power. You only need power to overcome your will when your will is directing you toward unhealthy behaviors.

Using neuroplasticity exercises, you can rewire your brain and change your cravings and your wants, a.k.a. your will, so you won't need to summon the power to overcome your will or your cravings anymore. Better yet, with this newly rewired brain, you’ll be on your way to achieving a new lasting mindset and a true “lifestyle change” - that elusive goal everyone seems to talk about but few are ever able to actually achieve. In 4 months, via our comprehensive program with five pillars, and short daily exercises, you will be on the path to achieving this, with new habits, a new will and a new mindset.


A life of wellness

One of the pillars of the Newire plan is flexibility, and long-term, there are no strict rules or restrictions. But you will find after Newire that you’ll likely crave foods that are healthy, and which have been shown in studies to often lower cholesterol and A1C, decrease inflammation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eating foods consistent with the Newire plan have been shown to add 5-13 years to your life (depending on your age when you start).


no hunger

In order to lose weight, there are three variables you can tweak: what you eat, how much you eat, and how often you eat. Newire focuses on the first. We will help you modify what you eat, with a primary focus on addition, not deprivation. With Newire, you’ll be eating cleanly, adding more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and reducing things like processed foods and sugar. Best of all, due to their low caloric density, you’ll be able to eat as much of these foods as you like, feeling full and still losing weigh. You won’t have to worry about feeling hungry since you can eat as much as you like.

And as you progress, you’ll be rewiring your brain so that you develop a new mindset and by the end should be craving these healthy foods and not the typical addictive processed foods which lead to weight gain by hijacking the brain’s food reward system.


a comprehensive approach

Newire takes a comprehensive approach to overall health and wellness in addition to weight loss. In our 4 month rewiring program, we don’t just focus on the mind. You’ll cover 5 pillars, designed to provide a true lifestyle change by the end:

1 Environmental reset

2 Habit formation

3 Mind
(mindset, neuroplasticity, mindfulness, previsualization, counterconditioning)

4 Food
(additions, subtractions, longevity, satiety, gut health, simplicity, flexibility, indulgence, forgiving)

5 Body
(exercise, sleep)


The optional fasting program is available in addition to the standard Newire program. This fasting program will take you through various durations of intermittent fasting as well as full water fasting if you’d like to try a longer fast. While many fasting programs focus on the physiological benefits of fasting (autophagy, BDNF, stem cell production), we place just as much emphasis on the mental benefits. Newire’s founder developed this program after completing several 100+ day water fasts and discovered the powerful mindset transformation that is enabled by the unique and profound mental state created when fasting. You can read more about fasting benefits and the fasting program here.


no calorie counting

Calorie counting is a drag. Granted, it is effective as it focuses the conscious mind on everything eaten, but it should not be necessary. It is tedious, and some people surmise that calorie counting and food logging partially work by being such a chore that people decide they’d rather not eat than have to endure the irritation of performing detailed food logging.

Newire focuses on eating simply, mindfully and cleanly. When eating cleanly, detailed food logging of calories and macros is not necessary. Instead, with Newire, you’ll just take a quick snapshot of your meals, and that’s it. This snapshot is enough to give you a second to reflect on what you’re about to eat. And it provides a detailed record which can be used later to look back and reflect on your progress and success.

One of Newire’s pillars is simplicity. Eating should be healthy, delicious, filling, and should not require a calculator, a detailed food journal or arcane knowledge about net carbs and the like.


works by itself or with weight loss medication

The new GLP-1 agonists (such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro) are becoming increasingly popular and offer powerful weight loss results for many people. Unfortunately, many people have found that much of the weight comes back as quickly as it came off when they stop taking the drugs. For long-term success, it is recommended to combine the drugs with an approach like Newire that adds a behavioral and a neuroplasticity approach.

The drugs themselves act on the brain to reduce cravings while on the medications, but they don’t rewire the brain or change your underlying cravings. In other words, they work by reducing the appeal of cupcakes while on the drugs. But for long term health, it would be better to flip this model from “less cupcakes” to “more apples”, adding wellness rather than just subtracting junk.

While on the medications, many people note a reduction in “food noise” in the brain, creating fertile mental soil and an ideal environment for rewiring, so Newire can take hold even more effortlessly, which can lead to long-term success after going off of the drugs, with new habits, healthy cravings, and a new mindset.

More apples > less cupcakes.



Longevity scientists have developed the concept of “biological age” as a more true measure of your health and longevity compared to your chronological age. This biological age is calculated using biomarkers from bloodwork. With Newire, you’ll be able to determine your current baseline biological age (before starting Newire), and then can calculate the pre/post change in biological age after the initial 4 month program (and ongoing every 6-12 months) to track how your biological age has decreased as a result of your new Newire lifestyle and habits.

In one profound success story, the founder of Newire was able to decrease his biological age by 17 years when he was developing the principles that make up the Newire program. His chronological age was 50.9 and he was able to reduce his biological age to 33.9.


keep it off

The founder of Newire was able to lose a lot of weight (80+ lbs), and thought he had it all figured out. And then the weight slowly crept back, and he gained back 90% of the weight he had lost and had to do it all over again. This time he was determined to lose it and keep it off.

He reverse engineered his process and the neuroplasticity exercises he used to rewire his brain so that he would truly make a lasting lifestyle change and would not become a yo-yo dieter again. You'll learn these techniques with Newire. And best of all, after your rewiring, the goal is that you’ll no longer crave addictive super-processed foods, but instead crave real food that is actually good for you. You’ll lock in your weight loss with a whole new mindset and perspective about food, so you’ll crave (and can eat as much as you want) of healthy foods that will be delicious and feel indulgent to you. With your new mindset, you can enjoy a lifetime of satiety and indulgence.